July 16, 2011

Walk A Florida Mile His Way


My Sunday guest column on the Lawton Chiles legacy, written for the St. Petersburg Times, is online now.

Please read. If you like what you see here, please comment on the article.

The bigger the readership and response for his piece, the better the chance that a book-length project on Chiles like mine can achieve publication.

Thank you.

July 11, 2011

Guest Column in St. Petersburg Times

A guest column of mine, entitled "The Chiles Guidebook for Governors," will appear this Sunday, the 17th, in the Perspective section of the St. Petersburg Times, a major Florida newspaper. The article discusses the Lawton Chiles political legacy.

Please stay tuned for a link and more information! This column will, I hope, help interest a publisher in my Chiles manuscript.